
Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Troublesome Verbs Part I (Say and Tell)

Troublesome verbs are verbs that sometimes makes us confuse to use it.


  • Say and Tell are REPORTED SPEECH that is used in relating indirectly what someone has said. 
    • He says that you are a very good student.
    • He said to me the other day that we should have good weather next week.
    • They tell me that you are doing a fine job
    • He told Jack  that he would join us for lunch
Note: (In these constructions, an indirect object follows tell; a to-Phrase, not an indirect object, may follow  say)

  • Say is used in quoting directly from spoken or written source. 
    • In his speech of acceptance last Tuesday, the new director said “ I know that I shall enjoy working with all of you.
  • Tell is used in some situations such as:
    • Tell the truth or lie
      • Example :
        • Romy always tells the truth
    • Tell a Story, a Joke, The News, The Fact, and so forth.
      • Example:
        • Try to tell me the important facts/ news
        • Joe tells amazing stories about his journey.
    •  Tell about Experiences, Plans, and so forth.
      •  Example:
        • Can you tell me about your experiences/ plans?
    • Tell The Time
      •  Example:
        • Would you tell me the time?
    • Tell one thing or person from another.
      •  Example:
        • Can you tell one brand of clothes from another?

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